currently ranked # 36
its absolutely maddening
Automating adding comments
In Xojo I often need to add in a comment about when I modified something or what I was working on
And the comment needs to be in a particular format – and it needs the current date & time as part of the comment
And, I want to be able to insert these EASILY into whatever code I’m working on right where the insertion point is
To do this I came up with this IDE Script that I saved in my Scripts dir next to the IDE
Dim stripped As String
stripped = DoShellCommand("echo ""// Updated `/bin/date ""+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z""` -- NJP"" | /usr/bin/tr -C -d ""[:print:]"" | /usr/bin/pbcopy -Prefer txt")
this will make use of the DoShellCommand to get the unix shell to write a line with the current date in it, copy that to the clipboard, and then paste it right where the insertion point is
You can modify the unix shell commands used to do just about whatever else you want