A link I was sent by another former user about a former users perspective on Filemaker and Xojo.
I guess I’m getting inured to these kinds of posts as they seem to have become more and more common.
Its disappointing.
A link I was sent by another former user about a former users perspective on Filemaker and Xojo.
I guess I’m getting inured to these kinds of posts as they seem to have become more and more common.
Its disappointing.
No idea why, what post(s), etc.
I have a strnog suspicion its for things posted outside the Xojo forums.
But since the notice is fairly anonymous (the sender is “Xojo Forum”) and, in total, says
You have been suspended from the forum until September 4, 3020, 1:00pm.
Multiple violations of 5 forum rules
3rd official rule violation
User has violated numerous community guidelines, including:
-Avoid ad hominem attacks
-Avoid responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content
-Be civil and respect each other
-Don’t post no-content replies
-Discussion of or links to blogs or websites that share privileged or internal Xojo company information is not permitted
I really dont know.… Read the rest
2020r1 introduces lots of changes. Some seem to be in the category of change for the sake of change.
The clipboard has changes to the names of parameters.
- Public Function RawData(macType As String) As String
+ Public Function RawData(dataType As String) As String
- Public Function RawDataAvailable(macType As String) As Boolean
+ Public Function RawDataAvailable(dataType As String) As Boolean
- Public Function RawData(macType As String, Assigns value As String) As String
+ Public Sub RawData(dataType As String, Assigns value As String)
Probably not a big hit for anyone and likely done for clarity in the tooltip in the IDE.… Read the rest