MBS released a Scintilla based text editing plugin some time ago
And I’ve been working on adding a Xojo specific Lexer to it in C++
How fast is it ?
Well dont blink or you’ll miss that I paste 19500+ lines into it and in the moment it takes to redraw its marked all the fold points, and colorizes the entire document. And watch how fast it scrolls !
OF NOTE there is this newly discovered capability
And I fixed my Scintilla lexer/parser to handle it

Yes, my experience too. 20,000+ lines of Xojo code are just laughed at.
Yeah the code editor was, and still is, the bane of my existence at Xojo
Lots of functionality and speed worked against each other
So one reason for a client project where we needed “a code editor” we used Scintilla
Up until now I’d been doing all the indentation and colonization in Xojo code – which was fast enough but with huge line counts also got slow
So I’ve been writing a lexer in C++ and OMG !
This just makes it all the more embarrassing that the IDE is childishly slow and very obviously uses a lazy and unskilled Timer hack.